New York Future Sounders, the absolutely luscious sounds of JENNA NICHOLLS (FS22 - "All The While") can be heard TONIGHT @ KNITTING FACTORY NYC 7PM!!!
THE VERVE are getting back together for dates in the UK in November. I liked Richard Ashcroft's first solo CD, and the next few had their moments, but nothing flew to the heavens like The Verve when they were on. Rumor has it they are writing songs together "for the fun of it".

LEMON SUN live footage from their San Francisco show at the Independent is up on their site>
Can you believe that PAUL MCCARTNEY is performing at Amoeba Records in LA tonight at 7:30PM? A Beatle getting personal and stumping for sales? Wild times indeed. Getting in there will be as easy as getting into one of the PRINCE gigs at the Roosevelt Hotel.
Remember back on FS27, I tipped the New Zealand act, CUT OFF YOUR HANDS? Well, they just did an EP deal with, of all places, Levi's Jeans for Australia and New Zealand only to their new label called LEVITY. Levi's paid for the recording, the band gets to keep its masters, get free merchandise, and they sprung for producer and former Suede guitarist Bernard Butler. Sound strange? Not really, with the state of affairs with labels these days, why shouldn't artists and their teams look for new ways to get their music out and paid for. This trend will continue to land more and more artists this year that are looking for creative ways to get the job done.

THE DYKEENIES (FS24) new album ‘Clean Up Your Eyes!’ is due out July 9th on Lavolta Records.
Hey, this new GOLDEN SMOG record, 'Blood On The Slacks', sounds really good!

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