New DRAMA song mixed for SUICIDE GIRLS DVD

If you've heard enough of this "new wave resurgence" and want some good 'ol fashioned "guitar-driven rock bands" again, FROM THE FUTURE has your answer; THE DRAMA.
Singer/guitarist Joe Gregory is in town this week mixing a new track, 'The Only Escape' in Los Angeles at Sean Beavan's (Nine Inch Nails) studio with Critter (A Perfect Circle, Ministry, Gravity Kills) for the forthcoming Suicide Girls DVD to be released by Epitaph. The track sounds amazing and the placement in the DVD will also quicken your pulse.
For you FUTURE SOUNDS subscribers, you get a glimpse of another new song, STEVENSON, which in my opinion, should be a hit. Lots of interest in the band at the moment, I'll keep you filled in as it happens.....
Right now the band is offering up another song for download ('CHAINS') on their MySpace site at
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