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Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Since the moment we first heard that deep rumble in "Dead Disco Dancer", we were intrigued by London's O. CHILDREN. We've played them almost weekly on the FS radio program, and have posted the video previously, but it kicked us in the pants to get in touch, let them know of our love for them, and ask some questions. Here's the interview with Tobi of O. Children....

FS: "Dead Disco Dancer' has been one of our favorite tracks to come our way at Future Sounds in months. Are you still mourning the passing of Michael Jackson?

OC: Not so much anymore. When the news broke it was it seemed unbelievable. No one really saw it coming.

FS: I love that you pulled the band name from a Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds song, how much does the dark one (NC) affect your musical approach?

OC: You could say Nick Cave is an influence in our approach to the band. We all met and bonded over our love of "Shivers" by Boys Next Door, his band before the Birthday Party and the Bad Seeds.

FS: How long has O. Children been together? I tried to find out more online, seems you were in a band called 'Bono Must Die'? That's brilliant, tell us more and how that became O. Children.

OC: Bono Must Die was funny. We were about 15 and didn't really know what we were doing. It was a whole load of fun for about 2 years and did surprisingly well. But then it got a little too much when we were being served with threats of subpoenas and death threats so we called it a day. I still listen to those songs sometimes and laugh. I went on holiday, came back, and decided I wanted to make music with more meaning and got to work on O.Children. Here we are.

FS: What part of London are you from? Or are you from London? I'm not sure where Illvile, by way of New York/Bordeaux/Durham/Clare is?

OC: We all live in East London as it's cheap. Basically from Shoreditch, where the hipsters are, all the way to Victoria Park. The more quiet, serene part of town. That's where I am.

FS: Some people may not know this, but singer Tobi O'Kandi is 6 foot 8, pretty intimidating indeed. Those of us in the US will have to wait a minute before we see you live, but how does your size affect the live show and your average fan?

OC: I like it when I can pinpoint someone in the crowd and toy with them. Not, so much, bully them. Just put a little bit of the fear of God in them. That's always fun. Apparently my height helps with the whole aesthetic of the show but I've never really seen any footage of us playing live so I don't know if that's true. I always forget I'm taller than everyone else...till I bang my head on a ceiling.

FS: How did you meet up with Phil Hutcheon of Deadly Records? That guy knows what he's doing, he's worked with some amazing acts at Modular Records over the years. What's the plan - what's next? Single on August 10th, then what? Any US plans?

OC: Phil was putting out another band's single and we were the support act. The place was huge and we had about 7 people there to see us and 3 of them were sitting down. I guess through all that Phil saw something with us and pretty much signed us the next day. He's a cool guy. Throws good parties too. The single is actually out on September 7. The date keeps changing. Technically it was meant to be out in May. But I think the date is set now. It's not changing anymore.

FS: Will you be playing any of the fall festivals? CMJ in New York? In The City in Manchester?

OC: We're giving the festival thing a break till next year as we're pretty new. Working on the live show, hoping for lasers and a big stage next year. Fingers crossed.

FS: Do you guys get the HBO series, True Blood, over there? I would like to see O. Children perform in the vamp bar, Fangtasia, during an episode.

OC: True Blood is fairly new over here. I've only seen the first episode. There was loads of vampire sex. I'm not sure why anyone would want to sleep with a vampire. Surely there are limitations because of the lack of blood? If I was in True Blood I'd be the Buzzkill telling them how they're lives are entertaining but make no sense.

FS: Future Sounds always asks bands we love to give some shout outs to other up-and-coming bands that we may not know of but deserve to be heard. Anyone you guys can shine a spotlight on at the moment?

OC: The Rayographs new single, Francis, is being played where i am right now. I recommend that.

Thanks again Tobi for giving us some time, looks like we're going to have to get over your way if we want to see you soon. - FS

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love that these guys are finally making some headlines http://www.t5m.com/ben-cohen/introducing-ochildren.html seriously won't be long before they're household names :D

3:22 AM  

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